Imagine an Authentically Loveable You-- Just the Way You Are

“Imagine lying to everyone you know, all the time. Imagine feeling your soul is distorted, evil, and broken. And imagine believing that, because of something you cannot change, God hates you. What would you do?”
Jay Michaelson, God vs. Gay

Many people don’t need to imagine what Jay Michaelson proposes. They’ve lived it. And many have been living this nightmare since they were small children. At some point in life, they learned that because of their sexual orientation, or the color of their skin, or their gender, or their ethnicity that they were somehow distorted, or evil or broken in a way that made them unlovable—even to God.

Unfortunately, there are even those who, as children, were sexually molested and then made to believe that it was their fault. The perpetrators of these crimes told their young victims that they were to blame for what happened because they were evil little devils; and that if they ever told anyone, the whole world would come to know how evil they were and everyone would hate them. And so these small, innocent children grew into adulthood still believing that they were inherently evil and responsible for the behavior of their assailants. Like gays, they carried around this secret forever fearful that if someone found out, their whole world would shatter into a million irreconcilable pieces.

Then there are those who are continually haunted by a past behavior for which they actually were responsible. They may be haunted for a variety of reasons. One reason might be that someone found out and that person consistently uses their knowledge of what happened as emotional blackmail against the other. Another reason might be that a person, for whatever reason, simply can’t forgive them self for something they did, and so this person keeps it dangling over their own head like a dagger of self-perpetuated doom. Either way, deep down these people believe that they are unlovable and irredeemable because of something they are powerless to change: Their past.

No one should ever believe or feel like they are unlovable to God or anyone because of who they inherently are. No one asked to be born into this world, and so no one asked to be created male or female, gay or straight, black or white, Muslim or Christian, American or Asian, etc. In the same way, no one asked to be predisposed to cancer, no one asked for any fetish they may have, and no one asked to be abused as a child.

Everyone is created inherently GOOD. Everyone bears their Creator’s stamp of approval. There is nothing about your make-up as a human being that makes you unlovable—ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. There is also nothing about your behavior that exiles you into some great wasteland of being unlovable. God looks beyond human behavior to the heart of everyone. God understands our brokenness even when we don’t, and God loves us despite our brokenness.

If you have been hating and marginalizing yourself for something about you that you were told was “distorted, evil and broken,” then please stop! . Let go of your false beliefs about yourself and watch as all of your false friends flee. Goodbye and good riddance to them all. Come clean with yourself, show-up for yourself and you will find that God and others will show-up for you as well. Be authentic and the authentic God will be there for you. Be real and real people will be there for you. This is the answer to Michaelson’s question “What would you do?” Take responsibility for your life, and reclaim your power from those others who have led you to believe you are unlovable, by owning and loving who you are completely, 100 percent, before God and the entire world.

Now—Imagine telling the truth to everyone you know, all the time. Imagine feeling your soul is healed, whole and radiant with Light. And imagine that God loves you eternally, in every way, with no possible exceptions. Now—Believe it!


  1. The other side of this story is that each one of us has to understand -- as you point out -- that everyone is created inherently good. We must treat ourselves AND all of our brothers and sisters respectfully and in a dignified way because of each individual's inherently good nature.


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