It’s Time to Show-Up for Yourself!

“If you think something is missing from your life, it is probably you!”
Robert Holden, Shift Happens

It seems most people believe there’s something missing from their lives. Inside ourselves we feel a longing for something more, for those missing pieces to the puzzle of our personhood.

Instead of using inner-vision, however, most of us use outer-vision as we begin our search for the missing pieces. So we jump on a fast track to find what we think we’ve lost by looking outside of ourselves. We take classes to gain new skills, we switch career paths, we move from city to city, we go clubbing and we join Facebook. But we soon discover that we still don’t have all of the missing pieces. So we work hard at making more money, we buy more things and we travel the world. And we still come up empty.

Eventually we may get involved with more and more organizations, from churches to co-ed sports teams to charities, thinking that somehow, somewhere someone is going to provide the missing pieces. Then our lives will seem complete. But face after face, relationship after relationship, helping hand after helping hand, we find we are no closer to feeling complete than when we first started struggling with our inner discomfort.

Wait a minute. Did you say “inner discomfort?” You did! Wow! Maybe, just maybe I need to look inside of me for the answers, for all those missing puzzle pieces. You think? BINGO! Outside influences compliment our lives, our happiness and who we are. But they can never complete us and they can never make us whole.

Like Robert Holden says, if we feel like something’s missing from our lives, it’s probably “us” who’s missing. We aren’t showing up for ourselves. We aren’t loving ourselves well, nurturing ourselves well or taking the time to befriend ourselves well enough to meet all of our own personal needs. Instead, we’re focused on everyone and everything outside of us.

If you feel like something’s missing in your life, it’s time to take a break. Go on a small trip inside of yourself. A retreat is a great way to nurturing yourself from the inside out. You have time to walk, pray, journal, eat well, get a massage and really pamper all of those places inside of you that have been screaming for you to better be there for yourself.

Don’t wait. Start today. Set aside some time to give some generous care to yourself!


  1. The Shift is about to hit the fan. Please check out Tom Shadyac's film "I Am." You will be glad you did.


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