Enduring Love Sees as God Does: Into the Soul

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we have seen his glory: the glory of an only son coming from the Father, filled with enduring love."
Gospel of John

“Enduring love,” as John says this morning, is the greatest gift God has given us. It is the gift God has sent us in Jesus Christ and it is the gift that God continually pours forth into all of our hearts.

Enduring love is the gift that redeems, enlightens and transforms everyone it touches. And it is more than God’s gift to us. It is a gift that we, too, can give to others. All we have to do is grow spiritually in God’s care. Once we grow to see beyond the masks of human behavior, appearance and attitude, we will be capable of offering enduring love to those who hide behind these masks.

We will be like Job Skeffington, whom I mentioned in in December 19th's reflection, "Only Love Creates Beauty." We will see beyond the physical, beyond age, beyond behavior and into the soul of each and every individual. Our love will become so great that it can transform the most wounded of persons around us. We all have our Fanny Skeffingtons, and they need an enduring love to make them feel beautiful, inside and out.

On this last day of 2010, take the time to offer that enduring love to others. A simple prayer is enough to touch the heart of someone in despair. It may be all they need to relight the dying embers of hope in their heart. A few kind words may be all someone else needs to feel the flame of God’s love alive within them once more. And a gentle hug may be all another person may need to know they can face the New Year with new hope.

Today be a beacon of enduring love and allow your soul to shine into the New Year!


  1. Based on your earlier blog, I actually have the film "Mr. Skeffington," which I will watch over the weekend. Thank you for your blog and for the wisdom you share every day. I thank God that you have the courage to make the choice to do it.


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