Flow With the Breath of God

“The Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground
and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and so man became a living being."
Book of Genesis, Chapter 2:7

The entire Universe flows on the breath of God. The Spirit of God gently breathes life into all of creation, including us. God is our lifeline. The Spirit is alive within each of us; ever pumping physical life through our bloodstreams, providing the electrical spark that connects the circuits in our brains, painting rainbows across our emotional horizons and nurturing our souls with light and love. God provides perfect balance to our lives. God provides the natural flow that completes the Universe.

God flows within us and all around us. God flows in the very air we breathe, in all that we see and touch, in all that we hear and taste. God is always flowing, always touching and blessing us from within and from without. No one can literally disconnect from God and remain alive in this world. But we can choose to close-down our hearts and to mentally disconnect from God.

We tend to learn at a young age to mentally and emotionally shutdown. It’s like a built-in self-preservation mechanism. We learn to tune-out those we want to avoid, including God. Some of us subconsciously disconnect from God without understanding we are leaving God behind. Then, when a crisis arises, we abruptly awaken to the long empty absence of God from our lives. We feel abandoned and devastated. We tell ourselves God is gone. But nothing could be further from the truth. God is never gone from our lives. God can’t abandon us. It’s impossible. Only we can abandon God by closing the doors of our hearts.

Luckily, this spiritual crisis is easy solved. We just have to be open to God. When we open our hearts to God, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable again; and we allow the Spirit to breathe life back into our dead existence. We gasp a spiritual breath, much like a newborn baby, as we open and immediately reconnect with our life source. We have eternal air in the lungs of our souls once more. Our lifeline is no longer ruptured. We feel nurtured and safe and alive.

Anytime we feel a lack of God’s presence, we need to look inside ourselves. We’ll probably find that we’ve cut-off our conscious contact with God. This is why we are no longer tasting, touching, breathing, hearing or seeing God in all things. We have detached from the natural flow of God in our lives, and we’ve become barren. But we can easily become fertile once more. Fertility is as simple as prayer. And prayer is nothing more than conscious contact with God. It is opening, acknowledging, sharing and surrendering to the Spirit. Entering prayer, we realize that we are but a single living cell among billions of other living cells in the eternal-being that is God.

Conscious daily contact with God always keeps us flowing in the breath of God‘s love. So let’s allow our lives to flow on God’s breath. It’s easy. We just have to be open. Let’s flow with the Spirit and allow our souls to shine!


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