An Understanding Heart Works Miracles

In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream at night. God said, "Ask something of me and I will give it to you." Solomon answered: "Give your servant an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong." The LORD was pleased that Solomon made this request. So God said to him: "Because you have asked for this--not for a long life for yourself, nor for riches, nor for the life of your enemies, but for understanding so that you may know what is right, I do as you requested. I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you, there will be no one to equal you.” 
 1Kings 3:5

Having an understanding heart works miracles in our daily lives. I witnessed this quite vividly in the summer of 2008. I was one of several people waiting standby at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). The flight had been over-booked, so our only hope was for someone with an assigned seat to fail to show.

I was watching the original “Blondie” movie from 1938 on my portable DVD player as I waited. I heard some raised-voices, and looked up from the film to the flight information counter. There I saw a man I recognized getting into a heated discussion with the United Airlines clerk. It was the same man who I had seen earlier at the airport’s California Pizza Kitchen: The man who had his pizza stolen.

OK, “stolen” might be a bit strong, but hey, we're talking about pizza here! This is what I witnessed: As I waited in line to place my order, there was a couple ahead of me whose English skills were obviously minimal. A pizza was dropped down on the counter in front of them as the clerk shouted “Order Number 37!” The couple looked at each other as if to question “Is this ours”, and then they walked away with the pizza. Ten seconds later, a tall 30-something man with a thin mustache walked up to the counter and said “Did you call number 37?” He then discovered that his pizza had walked away without him—and he was visibly unhappy about it.

Now the pizza man had a new problem. When he finished his heated exchange with the United clerk, he walked over and stood next to where I was seated. I looked up and said “Flight problems?” He said “They don’t have a seat assignment for me and I booked this flight three months ago.” Exasperated, he continued “There’s no way that I can’t have a seat assignment!” I said “My heart goes out to you—I was in the California Pizza Kitchen when your pizza was stolen. Now you’re having your seat stolen as well.” He said “Thanks. The pizza was nothing compared to this. I just came off of a long flight from Germany. I’m exhausted and I just want to get home and crash.”

As boarding time approached, I was hoping that the “pizza man” and I would both get on the flight. As the United clerk began calling out names of lucky standby flyers, my ears perked up. I didn’t hear my name called, but the pizza man did hear his. He was the last one called, and I was happy for him. He walked up to the counter and was about to get his ticket when suddenly hell erupted. Apparently, as the clerk was about to give him his ticket, he said something smart (or not so smart) to her. Not only did she pull the ticket back away from him, but she went over to the passenger loading door and slammed it shut.

“You’re not getting on this plane!” she said angrily, “I’m calling security.” She walked over to the phone on the counter and picked it up. He followed her and persuaded her to stop for a moment. It was obvious to me that he was tired and frustrated, but I sure didn’t think he was a security threat. So, I prayed that the two of them would have understanding hearts toward each other.

I knew some of his story, but I didn’t know any of hers. I didn’t want to judge her as the bad guy, even though I thought that the airline should have had a seat reserved for anyone who booked a ticket three months in advance. But I also understood that she may have had an equally bad sort of a day as he seemed to have had. This is why I prayed for them to have compassion with each other and to find a middle ground where clarity and peace could arise between them.

My prayer was heard. They received the graces to have understanding hearts toward each other, reached an amiable understanding, and she opened up the door to allow him on the flight. I was a little sad for me. If they hadn’t come to an understanding, I might have gotten that seat on the plane. But I was a lot happier in the long run to witness two hearts moved to compassion and understanding for each other.

Next time you find yourself at odds with someone, try having empathy with them by trying to see their side of the story as well as yours. Having an understanding heart will allow God in to induce the other into the same level of understanding; and when you have two understanding hearts communicating with each other, miracles will always happen and souls will shine!


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