Releasing Our Emotional Poison Is the First Step Toward Healing

"If the eyes had no tears, the soul would have no rainbow"
Ancient Native American Proverb

Anyone who has ever had the displeasure of up-chucking a day's worth of meals knows the physical horror of the experience. Our insides are swimming in toxins-- be they salmonella, ecol i or flu bugs-- and these toxins must be released to regain our physical health. No one likes the experience of releasing these poisons, but everyone likes the after-feeling of relief. Yes. As sick as we may still feel, there's an immediate sense of relief. We feel better to some degree and we know the worst of our nightmare is over.

The same is true of the emotional toxins we carry in our bodies. They are just as poisonous and just as deadly to our physical health as salmonella or ecol i. Yet every time they attempt to push themselves to the surface, every time they scream to be released, we choose to shove them back down. We're afraid that releasing them will destroy us. We're afraid to cry or talk about them. And so we reach instead for some "medicine" to quiet them. Sometimes the medicine is a bottle of beer, sometimes a chocolate bar and sometimes a new pair of shoes. 

It's not that difficult to see that this is insanity. Can we imagine attempting to hold-down the physical effects of salmonella poisoning? It would probably be impossible, but if it were, it would definitely mean the death of us. And the same is true for emotional poisons. In fact, emotional poisons are in many ways more deadly. They destroy our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. This is why it is so necessary to get them out of our systems as quickly as possible. Doing so, means opening up our lips and letting them out. We don't need a toilet bowl or a bucket. All we need is a friendly ear. Someone we trust who is caring enough to listen and to validate our inner-pain.

Opening our mouths is the way in which healing begins for both physical and emotion poisoning. Once we open our mouths and start speaking, telling our truths, releasing our pain, we instantly begin to feel relief from the internal burdens we have been carrying around for years. We release the toxins from our emotional system and from our bodies and we begin the healing process.

No one can hold-back the physical effects of emotional poisoning and survive, much in the same way that no one can hold-down the physical effects of salmonella poisoning and survive. The toxins must be released. If you are having a hard time releasing emotional poisons, ask God to help you. Then find a person you feel safe with and begin the healing process of verbally releasing your inner-toxins. Joining a support group, such as Codependence Anonymous or Al-Anon, is also a good way to enhance the healing process. Speaking releases the poisons. It removes them from our insides and places them outside where God can take them and help us to heal. The more we talk and release the toxins, the more relieved we feel and the better able we are to allow our souls to shine.


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