If God Seems Lost in the Holiday Shuffle, It Has Nothing to Do With God and Everything to Do With Us

The belief that “God is with us” is an important one to hold onto everyday. God is always with us, even when He may seem distant. We never have to search for God because God is never lost. God fills-up the entire Universe. There’s no place we can look where God isn’t present, and there’s no where on earth or in the heavens where we can escape from God. So, it’s impossible for God to ever leave our side. And, even if we could escape His exterior presence, there’s no way we can escape from the His interior presence. None of us can escape from the Holy Spirit dwelling within us—unless we simply choose to close down our hearts to God.

If God seems distant, it has nothing to do with God and everything to do with us. God never abandons us, but we often abandon or shut God out of our daily lives. Sometimes we do this consciously, like when we blame God for something bad that happened; and sometimes we do it subconsciously, like when we simply drift off completely caught up in ourselves. Either way, we’re the ones who have attempted to leave God behind by erecting walls that keep Him at bay.

Luckily for us, the solution is simple. All we have to do is be open to God once again. We need to throw-open the shutters darkening our hearts and allow God’s grace-filled light back in to warm us. We need to admit we’ve made mistakes and that we’re ready to see life anew through God’s eyes; through the plan He has for our lives. And we need to practice acceptance of what is—of what we cannot change. We will then be better able to practice gratitude for life on God’s terms, understanding that God always does what’s best for us, even if it may not seem that way at first.


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