Imagine Your Life Free of Fear, Then Make It Happen!

“Can you imagine what it would be like if you arrived at a point where you overcame all of your fears?”
Howard Falco, I AM

What would you do today if you had no fears? Would you dance across the daybreak? Would you sing loudly in the shower? Would you shout from the rooftops “Here I am world! Love me or lose out!”? Would you simply let go and let your real self out of your self-imposed imprisonment?

There are many freedoms we’d all discover and immediately treasure if we could just let go of our fears about us. Paramount among our numerous fears is probably this one: “What will others think of me?” Paramount among our new beliefs needs to be: “Who gives a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks of me!” We waste way too much energy and lose way too much of our natural lives being fearful of what other people think of us, and trying to remake ourselves over to be acceptable to people—many of whom we don’t even know. If we choose to go skipping down the sidewalk humming to ourselves and we turn and find a total stranger behind us, why should we be embarrassed about it? We shouldn’t be. If they think we’re silly, well, good. We have the right to be silly. Better to be silly than to be “dead” with fear of expressing ourselves.

How about all those other fears we harbor? You know. The ones about controlling every facet of life and everyone around us. Many of us our fearful of never being loved, changing jobs, losing a loved one, growing old (alone), difficult emotions, facing serious illness or death, difficult bosses or coworkers, money problems, marital issues or even getting out of bed in the morning. Are we even aware of all of the fears that control our daily lives?

Some of us our so possessed by our fears that we aren’t even conscious of how many fears we cling to, or how they control our lives. Fear based living is really unconscious android-like existence. When we are controlled by our fears, we don’t actually make choices, we react to life based on our subconscious fears. We automatically engage programmed reactions that are rooted in our childhoods. In reality, we react to perceived threats in the same way we did when we were children. We don’t really live life. We don’t dance through life. We walk gingerly as if we’re treading on broken glass because we are possessed by our worries.

So what’s the answer? Conscious living. We need to be aware of the fears that darken our lives. We need to look at each of them carefully and decide to take our power back from them. And we can do this by connecting more frequently with our Higher Power and trusting more in divine providence. We also need to trust more in ourselves. We need to understand that when we will make faith-based choices, instead of fear-based one, there is no guarantee that everything will work out as we wanted, but that everything will eventually work out in the long run. And that it will be what is best for us.
The next time we have a choice to make, we can breathe and then ask ourselves what are my choices? Usually we will have 1) a positive faith based option (which requires that we take a risk and be open to change and possible disappointment or failure) and 2) a fear based option (which requires that we play it safe and keep things the same, even if it means we stay stuck in our familiar disappointments and failures).

When we choose the first option, we choose to grow beyond our fears. We take our power back by expressing our willingness to trust ourselves and our Higher Power. We choose love over fear. In his book I AM, Howard Falco goes on to say that by overcoming our fears we would be unlimited in our love and in what we decide to create for ourselves from this love. We would be letting go of our egos’ need for guilt, shame and regret. In other words, our lives would be motivated by limitless love instead of being motivated by limitless fear.

We can create beauty in this life only through love. We never create beauty through fear. We can only move forward in positive ways through love, never through fear. Positive ways doesn’t mean perfect, fairytale ways. It means real ways since the path of life is always experienced through good and bad experiences. But when the path is paved with love or faith based choices, and when it is guided by trust in ourselves and our Higher Power, there is enough love to overcome any missteps or any unexpected problems.

Meditate on how much better your life would be if it were controlled by love and not fear. No one’s soul can shine unless it is free of fear and filled with love.


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