Truly Spiritual People Rely Upon Their Own God-Given Conscious

"You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing… You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well… I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. "I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I'm trying to do the right thing, and that's where I'm going with this."
State Senator Roy McDonald, R-New York

Many people want someone else to be responsible for their moral decisions. It keeps them from having to think for themselves and from being responsible for their own lives—or so they think. People with religious brain-freeze are often very fearful of life in general. And they tend to live their lives believing whatever religious leaders tell them to believe. They allow others to dictate “the law” of their religion to them and they never question it. To question it would be to risk the possibility of thinking for themselves, and it would also risk their having to take moral responsibility for themselves.

Religious brain-freeze allows these individuals to think that religious law provides them with a safeguard before God; that safeguard being that if any part of the Law should turn out to be wrong, they can simply blame their moral deprivation on those leaders who gave them the Law. This allows them to see everything in life as neatly black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. It also allows them to hide behind the Law because any hurtful, hateful behavior that they unleash on others is justified by the Law and in the name of their god.

Because fear is their great motivator-- as opposed to Love-- people with religious brain-freeze are extremely threatened by anyone who thinks differently from them. The major fear here is that they may actually agree with something that is outside their religious law, and thus they may be tempted into thinking for themselves. This explains why such people often feel compelled to be militant in enforcing their Law on everyone they encounter. They are always on the pious-defensive and ready for a fight. It also explains why they consider you good If you accept their Law, and why they reject you as being the devil if you challenge their Law in any way.

So the irony here is that these people who claim to be the most pious, religious and holy people in the world are often times the most hateful and morally destructive people who have ever walked this planet. I say morally destructive for two reasons. First, because they always tend to cloak their fear and hatred behind love and good intentions. After all, they only say and do shameful, hateful, destructive things to you in order to save your soul, right? Or so they have fooled themselves into believing. God is not about fear and hatred. Look anywhere in the scriptures of any faith and you will fail to find hatred dressed-up as love for the salvation of souls. Second, most people today see beyond this false fear-filled piety. They know that it’s fear and hatred cloaked as love. And because they know this, they see religious people as hypocrites. It’s no wonder that so many people today have given up on religion and have left their various churches, synagogues and temples.

Sooner or later, people who are willing to think for themselves, like Senator McDonald of New York, say screw it. They look inside themselves for the answers, for the truth and they begin to build a real-life spirituality with the Holy Spirit. They question, they read and they rely upon their own God-given conscious to guide them in making their own moral decisions, which they are then willing to take responsibility for by owning them as their own and not blaming their moral choices on others. If they make a bad choice, they don’t blame a bishop or the devil or anyone else for their mistake. They take responsibility, ask for forgiveness and stand honorably before God and others.

Those who rely on false piety never stand honorably before God or others—though they certainly think they do. False piety is a sign of an empty soul. This is true because people who refuse to think for themselves, and who simply follow their Law, have drained their souls of the Holy Spirit. There’s no room in the Law for the Spirit of God to actively work in their lives. The Law is set in stone; the Spirit is free. And so they cling to the Law because they have no spirituality beyond their hollow devotionalism, which does little to alleviate their fears or their hatred, and should be a clue to them that something is not right.

God is not about fear. God is not about hatred, or us against them. God is about love. If you are filled with fear, you do not know God. If you think you have all of the right answers and have cornered the moral market, you do not know God. Life is about constant change and continued growth in consciousness and love. Only God has all of the right answers and only God can claim to have the ultimate edge on truth and morals. So look inside yourself. All of the answers are inside of you, placed there by God. God will help you uncover the answers, but you have to be willing to ask the questions and to take responsibility for yourself. Sooner or later we all have to grow into doing the right things based on our own informed conscious. If we want to be honorable before people and God—and if we want our souls to shine!


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