Surrender to the Truth

"If you remain in my word, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Jesus Christ, Gospel of John

God is Truth and the Truth will set you free. Facing the truth of who we are opens the door to our own personal freedom. Accepting exactly who we are, by surrendering to the grace of God, sets us free. No one outside ourselves keeps us prisoners of the Lie; no one binds us to the misery of being divided against ourselves; and no one withholds our freedom to authentically be who we are. No one... but us.

We have lived as prisoners of the Lie-- “You aren’t good enough”-- because we have believed it to be truth. We have lived in the shadows of the Lie, swimming in a dark sea of denial about our True selves. But today, we have a choice. The choice is ours. We can choose to step out of the shadows of the Lie and into the brightness of the Light.

To do so is a step toward Truth; toward acknowledging that we are good enough just as God fashioned us. And this truth will indeed set us free from the Lie. Free to breathe again, to live joyfully in wonder and amazement as when we were children. Free to love and be loved. But not without possible consequences. In choosing to accept ourselves unconditionally, we may lose respect in some people’s eyes; we may lose (false) love in some people’s hearts; and we may lose value in the eyes of others-- especially those who are so used to us enabling them through people-pleasing or caretaking. But that’s OK. We gain much more by accepting our true selves.

First, we gain respect in God’s eyes for finally accepting ourselves just as God created us: wonderfully! By surrendering our self-loathing to God, we are free to accept the greatest gift ever given us, the gift of the “real me” that each of us uniquely is. This act of surrender replaces our feelings of powerlessness with feelings of worth, value and dignity.

Secondly, we gain God’s great unconditional love to the fullest. This love has always been available to us, but our past refusal to accept the truth of who we are also forced us to refuse God’s great love for us.

Let’s choose to accept that love now. Let’s choose to accept ourselves just the way we are, and set ourselves free from the shadows of the Lie. Today we surrender our powerlessness over our self-abuse to God, and we will allow God to set us free to love who we are. Today we choose to walk in the Light of the Truth and to allow our souls to shine!


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