Tired of Moping? Pray to Burn Brightly in God's Hands

"Lord, help me to always be the flame, not the moth. In the past when things were not the way I wanted, I moped. Like a moth I moped over not being good enough to be loved by others. And so I would not love myself.

I moped over my lack of real friendships and I moped over always losing the love of my life to someone else; someone who was lovable in ways I was not.

I moped over never having the best jobs, never being able to do my work perfectly; over never having the best cars, the best clothes, the best body or the best parents.

I moped over everything like a moth that’s been continually burned by the beauty of a flame that’s unattainable. Now, I have little to show for my moping. Moping, like a sour frown, wins no friends, no lovers, no career opportunities, no luxuries, no life.

And so today, Lord, I am so grateful to no longer be moping! Through Your graces, I am filled with passion for life. I am like a burning flame and the world is my desert to rage across; and to attract like-minded persons who are also on fire with love for You, self, life and each other.

Help me dear God to delight in your love for me daily. Help me to also delight in myself and my talents that I may always have enough self-love to burn brightly as a flame in Your hand. Amen."


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