Being the REAL Me Is a Blast! Thanks Be to God for Recovery!

Recovery gives us the tools to be our TRUE selves. And I feel myself transitioning from who the world (mostly my mother) wanted me to be into being the REAL me. And it’s a GREAT feeling!

I’m on vacation and decided to go to Disneyland by myself. I’ve done so in the past, but never felt comfortable. I didn’t want to be alone and often felt insecure when I went alone in the past. In fact, I wouldn’t get on any of the rides by myself. I felt like a geek or a loser, since everyone else there seemed to be with family or friends.

Well, that all changed yesterday— and the real change was inside of me. I felt free to be me, and I felt good being me. I felt happy in my own skin. I ate and drank what I wanted, I bought some great Disney kids clothes for my 18 month old nephew, and I decided to get a Fast Pass for the Guradians of the Galaxy ride. Yes! I decided to ride by myself and it was a blast!

In fact, I felt so good being me I decided to stay and ride the evening Halloween version of Guardians  of the Galaxy. I had to wait in line for 70 minutes— without my cell phone to preoccupy my time and to help me avoid myself. The battery had run down too low, so I turned it off. And you know what I did? I talked with the people waiting around me! It was awesome just being me!

This is what Recovery can do for us— all of us. We just have to be willing to work our programs (CODA, Al-Anon, A.A., N.A, G.A, etc), keep surrendering to our Higher Power’s plan for us and practice liking and then loving ourselves.

Yesterday was a big break-through for me. Keep working the Program and the big break-through will happen for you too!


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