Recovery Is a Partnership That Requires Rigourous Honesty on Our Behalves

Recovery is a partnership. It is a partnership between God (Higher Power), ourselves and other people whom we can trust.

Recovery is never an act of praying to your Higher Power and then expecting your Higher Power to suddenly zap you with instant wellness, and make everything OK. That's not prayer. That's magical thinking. 

 We have to first be willing to do whatever work is necessary to make our lives better; to change our patterns of thinking and behavior from negative to positive. Recovery always starts with "me." Once we are willing to do our best to change our character defects into character assets, then our Higher Power can help us. 

We first need to do for ourselves whatever we can do to make our lives manageable and functional. What we aren't capable of doing for ourselves, we need to surrender to our Higher Power and allow that Higher Power to handle all that is beyond our control. 

We also need to be willing to reach out to others we trust, whether they be family members, clergy, therapists or members of our Recovery program. We must get into the habit of asking for help when something is too big for us to handle alone. This is why fellowship and having a sponsor are so important to recovering people.

Most of us have been stuck in addictive patterns of behavior for years because we never felt worthy of asking anyone, not even God, for help. Recovery teaches us that we are worthy of asking for and receiving help from others.

So be honest with yourself. Be honest about your addicive patterns of behavior. Become determined to conquer your inner-enemies and show up for yourself. Once you do, God will show up for you, and so will others than you can trust. It's guaranteed.


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