Recovery is About Shifting into Being Your Authentic, Lovable Self

I am now in my 22nd year of recovery for codependency. As I look back, I realize just how much I have shifted from unhealthy mental thinking and emotional behaviors thanks to CODA and Al-Anon. I’m not the same person I used to be. I’m no longer silent. I don’t hide from people and life anymore.

I speak my truth now. I no longer hide it, or hide who I truly am. I’m no longer ashamed to be me, to express my beliefs and likes/dislikes even if they differ from those of others I love. Recovery has taught me the value of self-love, and self-love leads to authentic self-expression.

I no longer tolerate abusive behavior from others, and have learned to refrain from manipulating others for my benefit alone. Through learning healthy boundaries, I now set them to protect myself and the other person. I tell others what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable. And I tell them that if they are not willing to respect my boundaries, I will remove myself from the situation or from their lives, if necessary. I choose to no longer engage in arguments that are purposeless. I now live by “let’s agree to disagree and let’s put love first.” No one has to be right and no one has to be wrong. We just see things differently, but we can still love and respect each other.

As a result, I’m a happier, freer, and much more real person. Recovery has given ME back to myself and the world around me, by the grace of my Higher Power and sincere new friendships. I am so happy to no longer think I have to be who others think I should be. I am grateful to be me: The REAL me!


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