Stop Waiting for Someone to Rescue You

“I got a hole in my heart... And what I’ve found is my life is too heavy. So I’m waiting on a woman to take this load off me...I’m still waiting.... waiting on her, waiting on her.”
Adam Friedman, Waiting on a Woman

Codependents spend, or rather waste, a lot of time waiting on a man or woman to rescue them. We do this because we learned at a young age to make another person into our Super Power, or Higher Power. For years, we have mistakenly believed that we were powerless over our own lives and happiness. Some other person had to be out there who could rescue us from our worthless selves and our miserable lives.

And so, as the lyric to this Adam Friedman song states, we kept “waiting and waiting and waiting” for our savior to appear. Time and again, we chose toxic people to be that savior because we were so tired of waiting.

Well, the wait is over:There is no person outside of ourselves who can rescue us. We are that person. We are NOT powerless over our lives. We have great power to turn inside ourselves and to find the self-love, self-respect and self-worth that we have been “waiting” for someone else to provide.

We need the help of an authentic Higher Power, or God, to heal ourselves and own our personal power over our lives. We need the support of trusted friends and other recovering people. And once we begin meeting our own needs for love, worth and respect, we will eventually meet that person who can best compliment our true selves; just as we can best compliment their true selves.

Stop waiting for another person to rescue you. YOU are that person. Go for it and live life to the fullest!


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