True Beauty Lives Within Our Souls

Through my own recovery program I’ve learned to examine my own inner-brokenness and to look for the beauty inside me that’s been buried underneath all that brokenness since childhood. By learning to be empathetic, kind and compassionate with my own brokenness, I’ve learned to be more empathetic, kind and compassionate with others.

How? By realizing that underneath everyones’ brokenness Is the image and likeness of God. We are all created in the image and likeness of God. Nothing can change this truth. No matter how much we have been hurt by others or how much we have hurt others, this lone truth still stands. Despite all of the harmful behaviors we have learned to use against ourselves and others, this lone truth still stands: We are, and forever will be, images and likenesses of God.

When people come to talk with me about their addictive issues, I’ve learned to see beneath their brokenness and see straight through to the honest beauty of their souls. And often times, those who are most broken have the most beautiful souls. It’s then my hope to help them to see the true beauty of their souls buried underneath all of their shame, guilt and emotional pain.

I then encourage them to release that pain and to learn new patterns of thinking and behavior by seeking professional help through therapy and additional help through attending support group meeting, be it CODA, Al-Anon, A.A., SLA, S.A, ACOA, N.A., G.A., etc.

We can only learn to love ourselves when we are able to see beyond the damage we’ve experienced and perpetrated ourselves; when we can see all the way through to the true beauty of our souls; when we can see our Higher Power through ourselves. And we can only truly learn to love others when we can do the same for them: see through to and come to love the beauty of their souls.


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