Is a White Butterfly a Sign from Our Higher Power?


Saturday morning I was in a very bad mood. I found myself just wanting to jump in my car and get away. I didn't have any idea initially of where I was going. Then, as I was driving through D.C., I decided to go to Pentagon City Center and have lunch.

Problem was the route I took was backed up with an accident and I couldn't get onto I-365. This led me into a wrong way excursion across downtown with one street closed here, another street being one-way the wrong way, etc. I eventually ended up in an area of town I wasn't familiar with at all.

Frustrated, as I reached a stop sign on a side street, I stopped and just sat there cursing. Suddenly, a white butterfly entered my car through the passenger window. It flew right past me and out the driver's side window. I'd never experienced anything like it before. 

I watched the butterfly disappear out of sight and then continued my trek toward Pentagon City, eventually arriving.

 According to the blog The Confidence HQ, to "view of a white butterfly might provide you with a sense of serenity, faith, and confidence in your own spiritual journey, knowing that everything will work out just as it should in the divine timing... It’s a promising omen that you’ll be able to overcome some difficulties in your life in the near future."

"The color white is connected with purity, abundance, and a new beginning. A white butterfly, on the other hand, is typically a sign that you need to turn the page in your life and start a new journey... It’s possible that your guardian angel is keeping an eye on you and giving you a white butterfly as a sign. Finding yourself in the presence of an angelic creature with beautiful white wings is a solid indicator that you have come face to face with your guardian angel." 

 I don't know if the butterfly had anything to do with being a guardian angel, but the next day was an amazing step forward for me. It was the first day where I was able to feel self-empowered, and I was able to own my power for most of the day, without handing it over to everyone else near me.

I've experienced butterflies winging their way over my shoulder or flying right in front of me before, but never anything like my experience of having one fly through my car like I did Saturday. 

What's up, Higher Power?


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