Fear Led Me to...

Shame, guilt and addictive behaviors are all fueled by Fear. This morning I thought about all of the various ways fear has ruled my decisions, my actions, my entire sense of being. This is not an all-inclusive list. I'm sure I'll be adding more to it. But here goes... Fear led me: -to allow shame and guilt be my personal companions, 24/7. -to become alienated from my natural self. -to surrender my personal power and natural self to most everyone. “I’m your puppet.” -to please everyone in order to get their stamp of approval on my unworthy self. -to remain bound in the chains created by others so I could secure their "on-going" approval. -to shrink in shame and guilt if I said or did something to lose the approval of others. -to hide my worthless self from most everyone for fear of being ridiculed and rejected. -to manipulate anyone who offered me crumbs of attention by caretaking and people-pleasing them while neglecting my own needs. -to give up my heart's deep d...