Healthy Relationships Require Both Participants to Show-Up Emotionally!
"… Just talk, I’m listening, Just talk. I know your
tastes in food and wine, but never really what’s on your mind. What’s going on
inside your head? I hear you say what you can or can’t. I’m never sure what it
is you want. There’s always something left unsaid."
Morten Harket, Listening
Morten Harket, Listening
emotionally unavailable in a relationship is a major problem. It’s a form of
abandonment. If we are emotionally unavailable to others it’s a sign that we
have abandoned ourselves. We don’t believe we are worthy of voicing who we are,
what we like, what we need, what we think or what we want. In all of these
essential areas we remain silent and in being so, we stifle relationships and
keep them from growing. The other person feels left out of our inner-world and
thus abandoned by us.
time, the more the other person tries to break through our wall of emotional
unavailability, the further we distance ourselves from them for fear that they
will find out we really aren’t good enough for them. We think we are protecting
ourselves from rejection, but in fact we are setting ourselves up to be
abandoned by the other person. Sooner or later, he/she is going to be tired of
feeling left out. Our emotional deep-freeze is going to lead them to believe
that we really aren’t interested in them. And when they are finally tired of
something always being left unsaid, they will bow-out of the relationship.
emotionally unavailable always blows up in our faces. We may think we are
controlling the relationship to our favor by refusing to reveal too much about
ourselves. We may think that the less the other person knows about us, the less
likely they will be to leave us. But the opposite is true. The other person
can’t grow to like or love us more, if we won’t allow them to know anything
essential about who we are inside. Surface level conversation is OK between
acquaintances, but it becomes a red flag when two people become more than
the other person is aware of human behavioral patterns, being emotionally
unavailable will be a major red flag for them. It will make it obvious to them
that we don’t feel very good about ourselves. They will see through our need to
hide who we are, and it’s rare that any healthy person finds that need to be
is why it’s to our advantage to let the walls down. Being vulnerable might feel
uncomfortable at first, but it helps us to know if we are on the right track
with a particular person. No relationship can flourish on pretending.
Relationships flourish on the truth. If we are truthful with the other person
about who we are, what we need, what we like, what we think and what we want
one of two things may happen: 1) The other person will either like what we have
to say about ourselves and the relationship will grow; or 2) The other person
will realize that we aren’t really a good fit for them and the relationship
will end.
results are to our benefit. In the first result, as we both honestly share our
inner-worlds, we grow together into a healthy relationship that brings added
happiness into our lives. In the second result, we learn early-on in the
relationship that we probably aren’t compatible, and so we can end the
relationship without having wasted a lot of time on an attraction that wasn’t
good for either of us. We can then begin to look for someone who is the right
fit for us. So, as you can see, in both situations, we actually win when we
allow ourselves to open up and be emotionally available.
we know we aren’t allowing ourselves to be vulnerable in a relationship, we
need to work on opening up and taking the risk of showing who we are to the
other person. And if we feel left-out of a relationship because the other
person isn’t willing to be vulnerable before us, then we need to challenge
him/her to open up to us. We need to let him/her know we’re willing to listen
objectively and that we want to know where we stand in the relationship.
Remember the truth will always set you free to live life to the fullest.
Morten Harket is the
lead singer for the Norwegian rock group A-Ha. “Listening” is from his new solo
album Out of My Hands.
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