Bouncing Between Extremes
her book Facing Codependence, Pia Melody points out the fact that
codependents tend to bounce between extremes. We can bounce from low
self-esteem to arrogant, from too vulnerable to invulnerable, from good
boy/girl to bad and rebellious, from overly dependent to anti-dependent, and from
controlling to chaotic.
know what it’s like to bounce between all of those extremes. Before recovery, I
didn’t have a clue what I was doing when I allowed myself to swing like a pendulum
between extremes. Now I do. I am aware when I go from feeling empowered to
totally disempowered. And that’s a really painful bounce for me because the
feelings of being disempowered are ingrained from childhood. Mentally, they
make no sense to me. I know I’m not truly disempowered, but my feelings don’t
agree. In fact, my feelings violently disagree.
least now I know that these feelings of disempowerment are not really about the
NOW. They aren’t about the reality of the present moment. They are about unresolved
issues and feelings from the past that haunt me like the greatest of
nightmares. And, unfortunately, I have to allow those feelings to be present
and I have to be present to them until they pass through me and are released
back into the universe.
I think it would be a good idea to give them back to the persons who evoked
them. If a feeling of disempowerment came from my father berating me with his
harsh words and his backhand when I was five, then in my mind I need to say to
him “Here. Here’s your anger and your rage and your belittlement. I’m giving it
back to you. I know longer wish to feel disempowered. I reclaim my personal
power from you.”
of my problem with feeling disempowered is also about the fact that I was
raised to be the perfect good boy. Being the perfect good boy meant that I took
on a lot of unreasonable expectations that belonged to my parents, teachers,
etc. and I made them my own. Today, I want to disavow ownership of those
expectations. I don’t want to pretend to be perfect anymore and I don’t want to
be the good boy. I want to be REAL.
in recovery we need to consciously bounce between extremes like good boy/girl
and rebellious. We need to do this with awareness, however. We need to be able
to experience both extremes and then find our true reality, our REALNESS, in
the middle of those extremes.
we need to consciously experience being overly polite and sometimes we need to experience
saying “Bite me!” Eventually, we will realize that the truth is in between
these extremes. We will learn we can be polite but still set proper boundaries;
we can temper indignation/honesty with kindness.
we need to be able to know what it’s like to do a good job, say at work, but we
also need to know that failure is an acceptable option. We don’t have to be
perfect, but we need to learn from our mistakes and own up to them without
feeling bad about ourselves. That’s reality. That’s being REAL.
now, when I find myself still bouncing between extremes, I consciously work at
finding my true place, my true fit, somewhere in the middle of those extremes.
And I’m OK. I’m good enough right there in that space.
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