True Love Begins with Self-Love
true love is lost, life can bleed of all meaning. We are left blank, but the
possibility of destiny remains. What we are meant for may yet be discovered. And…that
journey to find our destiny may defeat even time itself.”
From the
film Winter’s Tale (2014)
without love certainly does bleed of all meaning. I’ve often thought about the
words of St. Paul in 1 Corinthians “If I have faith so as to move mountains,
but have not love, I am nothing.” Life without love is pure nothingness. And
this is why life is often so painful and devastating for people who suffer from
codependency and other addictions.
in life, addicts lose all perspective of self-love. They thus completely lose
their grounding in life. They lose the roots of who they are: Love itself. And
they gradually become a living, breathing form of nothingness (the sense of being left blank). And in their
nothingness, they look desperately outside themselves for validation, for love,
for approval and for purpose.
impossible for us to find these things outside of ourselves. And so for the
addict, who has no sense of self-love and who cannot fill-up their
inner-emptiness through grasping desperately for outside love, life begins to
bleed all meaning. Lack of self-love leaves a void inside the addict that
swells with hellish emotional numbness. This numbness devours the addict and
prevents him/her from feeling the love of God, or a Higher Power. It also
prevents them from truly feeling or accepting any outside love that does come
their way. They have no inner-ability to validate the outside love as true and
so they always doubt it and they find ways to reject it (for fear of being
hurt) no matter how desperately they need it.
my self-love is greatly improved over the years through recovery, I still feel
the void of never having felt loved by others, beginning with my parents. I don’t
believe I have ever experienced a true love from outside myself. And this is
probably because I have never experienced a true love from within myself, for
myself, by myself. There is no way to experience the true love of another, even
God, if I have not allowed myself to experience the true love of myself for myself.
we feel like life is bleeding all meaning because we have continually failed at
finding true love with another from outside of ourselves, it’s more than likely because we
have failed at experiencing true love inside of ourselves for ourselves. This is why
self-love is SO ESSENTIAL.
will stop bleeding meaning when we stop hating ourselves. Life will regain its
meaning as we start loving ourselves. Begin the process today. If you want to
experience true love it must begin with a true love that you work at developing
for yourself. The more you accept and love yourself, the more you lessen your
inner-numbness and the more you invite God inside of you. Thus, the more you
begin to experience a fuller love inside of yourself and the more you are open
to receiving love from outside of yourself.
make the conscious choice to trade-in your nothingness for self-love and help
your own life to stop bleeding meaning and to flicker with glimpses of hope for
a beautiful, though not perfect, future.
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