Respect Yourself by Expressing Your True Self
Codependents, and many other addicts, have a difficult time expressing their wants, their needs, their very selves. For years many of us have felt unworthy of asking for help. We told ourselves over and over “I’m not worth it. I’m not lovable enough, or good enough to ask for help.” EVERYONE is good enough and worthy of asking for help. We are all worthy of having our needs met, and sometimes meeting those needs requires outside help from our Higher Power and others. Many people tell me that they find it hard to express their needs and ask for help because they are afraid of receiving a “No,” or of being rejected. The problem here is that by not asking for help we are continuing to say “No” to us and to reject ourselves. When we don’t ask for help, the result is “No” 100 percent of the time. If we at least honor ourselves by asking, we have a 50 percent chance of receiving the help we need. Sometimes the inability to ask for help, because we feel unworthy, causes us to b...