The More You Focus on Healing Yourself, the More You Will Glow from the Inside-Out
Amen to the above quote. It’s spot-on truth. The more we work on evaluating, accepting, loving and improving ourselves, the happier we become. The more we appreciate that we are all unique gifts to the world around us, the more grateful we become.
I used to be a constant victim/whiner. Now, I can’t tolerate even being around people who play the perpetual victim game. And I no longer enable it. If I find myself with a whiner, I immediately suggest that we talk about positive, life-affirming subjects. If they ignore that and continue to complain, then I get up and excuse myself. I will not enable their behavior by sitting and listening to them. I will not provide them with the pity party they so desperately want. To do so would be to help them to stay stuck in their negative, victim mentality. I refuse to be an enabler.
Worst of all are those unhappy whiners who have all of their attention focused on the lives and faults of others. They are so alienated from themselves, that they think they have the right to live everyone else’s life for them. These are the people who are constantly and harshly judging others. Since they have no sense of self, they can only see outside themselves. They have no ability to go inside and face their own faults and issues.
Recovery teaches us that it is OUR responsibility to turn inside and take our own personal inventory. We have to face our brokenness, constantly evaluate it and our progress toward recovery, so that we can improve ourselves and our lives. It’s only when we consistently do so, that we will become happy people who glow from the inside-out.
I’m writing this in a cafe, and I just had someone come up to me and say “You have a special aura about you; something that says you’re a spiritual person.” I was taken by surprise, but I thanked them, told them that I’m in 12 Step Recovery, and that it has indeed made me a more spiritual and happier person. Allow recovery to do the same for you by working the program one day at a time. 😊🙏🏼
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