Inner-Happiness is a Byproduct of Silencing Your Inner-Critic

Your personal happiness depends on you; mine depends on me. So many of us give away our personal happiness to the inner-critic in our own heads. We allow that voice to belittle us, insult us, demean us and violate our self acceptance and worth.

Then, instead of recognizing and disempowering that voice, we turn to someone or something outside of ourselves to rescue us. We make that person, object or activity into a false Higher Power, instead of acknowledging, rejecting and taking back our own personal power from the inner-critic.

Well, truth is, I created my own inner-critic, and so did you. As children, when we were criticized by adults, we learned to mimic their criticism anytime we made the same mistake and they (the adults) weren’t around to verbally assault us. We chose be be like parrots and repeat the ugly words to ourselves that adults had imposed on us. Thus we created our own inner-critics, and we’ve been feeding their lies since childhood.

I no longer give any respect, much less power, to my inner-critic. When I hear the parrot-like voice in my head ripping me apart, I tell it to go F**K itself. I’m finished with it’s lies. I’m owning the power to my personal inner happiness. I’m responsible for it. No other person, thing or event can own the responsibility that is solely mine. And the same is true for you.

The more you tell your inner-critic to F-Off, the more powerful and happier you become. And the less you need another person, or addiction to falsely make you feel better about you. This is how we build self-acceptance, self-worth and self-love— along with the help of our true Higher Power.


  1. Father Charlie,
    As usual you nailed it while composing this spiritual reflection: "Inner-Happiness . . . Silencing Your Inner Critic." It definitely reinforced what my husband and I learned at your retreat last weekend. We're still reading and discussing all the materials you gave us, and now we'll enjoy following the reflections that you post on your Soulshine blog spot. Thanks again and we hope to see you soon for another retreat. ~ Linda Peterson


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