Healing the Poison of Old Feelings
When I was younger, I had an overriding feeling that I didn’t deserve to be happy. It became most noticeable to me anytime I attended a family gathering. I never felt accepted for myself, at least not by my parents. And so when we would be at family gatherings, I always had a strong emotional revulsion to showing that I could be happy in any way. More often than not, at family gatherings, I’d sit and look sad. I rarely said a word. If someone asked me a question, I was irritated by it and would force as few words out of my mouth as possible in response to them. I otherwise refused to engage in any way. I remember wanting to engage with other family members and wanting to allow myself to be happy, but something deep inside of me always prohibited me from doing so. It was probably because I seriously felt flawed beyond being acceptable or lovable in any way. I felt more than simply “not good enough” to be an acceptable human being. I guess it’s no wonder that inside I felt ...