Bless-Away Negative Energy
talked recently about praying to be aligned with the positive energy of our
Universe; with that energy that is God or Spirit. And I think that such a
prayer is always fruitful. Sometimes we’re lucky and we go through a day
aligned with positive energy and feeling really good, then suddenly something
very negative happens and we are thrown for a loss.
natural inclination of many people, including myself, has been to return
negative energy for negative energy. Someone cuts us off in traffic and we curse
at them. But negative energy only begets more negative energy. So I’ve decided
to stop reacting negatively when bad things happen or people are hurtful. Sure,
I have to acknowledge the bad feelings I have in these situations and own them
long enough to bring myself back to a positive balance. But I don’t have to
have revenge or retribution.
decided that it’s better to bless-away negative energy than it is to engage in
it. I’d rather bless the bad energy that has come my way and hopefully
transform it into something good. I’d rather bless the persons who sent it my
way than engage in fighting with or hating them.
believe by blessing away the negativity and blessing the person who sent it,
there’s a better chance of converting someone who is hurting. Maybe they just
need to be blessed in order to realize that they have a problem and that they
need to face it by seeking help for themselves. People are often ugly to us
because they are emotionally wounded in ways we can never fully understand.
the person also ensures that I myself will not be guilty of engaging in the
same negative type of behavior that I have found to be so offensive. It keeps
me from being a hypocrite.
negative energy gives all of us a healthier way of dealing with the people we
find to be difficult, whether they are family members or total strangers.
Everyone can used a good positive blessing. So bless your enemies and all
negative energy that comes your way. Transform the negative into the positive.
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