Look Beyond Your Self- Judgments and Love Yourself
never too late to learn to say to yourself “I love you.” I recently uncovered
some old photographs from my days working at the Kentucky Court of Justice.
They brought back wonderful memories of many friends I haven’t seen in a long
time. But they also awakened something new in me.
I looked at myself in these photos I thought “Wow! I was really cute!” Never
before have I looked at an adult photo of myself and thought anything positive
about me. It’s always been “Oh, I look so fat!” Or “Oh, my hair looks
horrible!” Or “God, look at that nasty acne!” But that wasn’t the case this
I looked closer at myself in these pictures I did see the redness in my face,
the zit on one side of my nose, but it was OK. These horrors of the past, which
had kept me from loving myself when I was in my 20s, didn’t keep me from seeing
past them this time. I was able to see past them and recognize the beauty that
was underneath them. I was able to see a nice face that I liked very much; an
innocent face that represented the very hurting, but good person that I was—and
still am.
course, regret has set in and I know it needs to for awhile. I have regrets now
about not being able to see the beauty that was me at that time. Now I regret
that I wasn’t able to look in a mirror back then and say “I love you just the
way you are. I accept you just the way you are. And I am happy with you.”
makes me sad that over my life I was never able to do that. But then I realize
that there’s nothing stopping me from doing it now. I can’t be 27 again and
look in the mirror and appreciate and love myself. But I can do it now. And I
am choosing to do it now.
very true that when we look in a mirror we see all of the judgments we’ve made
against ourselves. We too often fail to look past the judgments (like “I can’t
be lovable with this acne,” or “I’m too fat,” or “I’m not pretty,” or “If only
I could be smart enough to get my life together.”) And because we fail to look
past these judgments we never see the real beauty that we possess underneath.
time we all stopped looking at the judgments we’ve condemned ourselves with,
and start looking at the true beauty we possess underneath those judgments.
Today is a great time to start.
sooner we start seeing and acknowledging our own beauty and value, the sooner
we will be happy; the sooner we will become content in our own skin and the
sooner we will connect with other people in life-giving ways.
I’m looking in the mirror and saying “I accept and love you just the way you
are. You’re handsome to me from the inside-out.” How about you? Now it’s your
time to do the same.
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