Pray to No Longer Be a Victim of Your Own Negative Self-Talk

Dear Higher Power,
Thank you for granting me awareness.
I am not a victim of my parents.
I am not a victim of my family.
I am not a victim of past or current relationships.
I am not a victim of my employer or coworkers.
I am not a victim of twisted religious teachings.
I am not a victim of the world, or "friends" or life.

I am only a victim of my own self-destructive thoughts.
I have shot myself through the soul with my own negative thinking.
I own the fact that I have done a poor job of guarding my thoughts.
I have allowed negative overthinking to devour my self-love.
I have allowed constant self-criticism to poison my heart and soul.
And I have consistently projected my own negative thoughts about myself
onto others, often falsely accusing them of victimizing me.

With all humility, I acknowledge that no one has victimized me more than I have victimized myself. I have daily destroyed myself with my victim-mentality.

Today, I ask Your continued help, Higher Power, to help me be consistently aware of my thoughts. Please empower me to be a good guardian of my own thoughts about myself and others. Help me to convert my inner-critic into an inner-voice of self-love, self-affirmation and self-appreciation.

Through Your guidance, may the negative thoughts that have long been arrows through my heart and soul become positive thoughts that are sweet kisses of kindness, empathy and compassion for myself. May I truly come to believe in my own personal worth, value and loveability. Amen.


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