Real Love Leads to Real Faith

“Real Love is opening your heart to the unlovable.” And who is the first “unlovable” person we need to open our hearts to? Ourselves. This is what Recovery is all about: Learning to love ourselves so we can love our Higher Power and our neighbor (everyone else in this world.)

Once we are able to love the formerly unlovable us, it’s easier to love the God who created us. It’s easier to be grateful for our lives. And it’s easier to love family, friends and everyone who acts less than lovable. Real love helps us to see beyond everyone’s brokenness so we can love the beautiful person underneath that brokenness. But it has to start with loving ourselves beyond our brokenness; by seeing the real beauty inside of us.

Real gratitude is always about being thankful for the goodness in our lives, even when we’re in the middle of a terrible personal or emotional storm. It’s keeping our focus on the positive while encountering the negative.

Real generosity is giving to others even when we are exhausted and need to recharge our batteries. We can still stretch ourselves out of love when we need to give a helping hand to someone in need. But we must also make sure that we do find time to recharge our batteries and take good care of ourselves, too.

And real courage is facing our fears, moving beyond our comfort zones and being willing to take risks even when we’re afraid to do so. This is how we, with the help of our Higher Power, make the impossible into the possible. It takes REAL LOVE! And this Real Love, in partnership with God and others, builds Real Faith. It allows us to trust in ourselves, God, others and the beauty of life.


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